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Jakaria Biswas Web developer.

I am new Web developer

I am jakaria biswas. I am a student. I study at technical school and college. Right now I study in Diploma comoputer Engineerign . Actually i dream and i want to be a good Web developer in my futuer.

Dream Big

Become Web developer

My dream i want to be web developer in my life. this is my favorite work. and i think it well be realy good for me . and i start this work. bythen i can do it.


Full Stack Web Developer

2021 present | pro Level Developer

I have acheived web design and web Developer. It's my favorite work. and i am finaly good web developer in the world.you have checkd me.

Baby Web Developer

2020-2021 | Programming Here Leaner

I started this course may be 2020 in February 15. Definately, it will be realy good thing in my life. I have desiceded this course .I have to this course.